
Microdermabrasion – Elite Diamond Peel 

Duration – 30 Minutes – from £50.00

with hydro jelly face mask or enzyme peel prices from £60

combined with mesotherapy prices from £75.00

combined with chemical skin peel prices from £90.00

Duration – 45-60 mins

Microdermabrasion for facial rejuvenation an alternative to chemical peels for improving complexion and reducing fine lines and black heads.

Microdermabrasion facial is a deeply effective treatment and one of the least disruptive skin treatments and is ideal for people with sensitive skin.

  • gives fresher, clearer skin in a few short treatments
  • a procedure that uses fine crystals and a vacuum to remove dead skin cells on the face. The aim is to reduce the effect of fine lines and minor skin blemishes. It works on all skin types and shouldn’t causes any skin changes or scaring.
  • no discomfort
  • a course of treatments is beneficial


Duration Varies – £40.00

With added hydro jelly face mask treatment or enzyme peel – £60.00

Facial peel without using AHA products.

Dermapeel is an ultrasonic scrubber which has dual functions of peeling and iontophoresis.

  • removes dead skin cells, sebum, dirt and cosmetic residue and the impurities inside pores are emulsified. the young skin under the dead cells is revealed and the skin is prepared for the product penetration of amino acids and nutrients.
  • does not involve using chemical skin peels
  • A course of treatments recommended but can be a stand alone treatment to freshen skin tone and texture
  • can be a combined treatment with mesotherapy


Duration Varies –  £60.00 per treatment

combined with dermapeel price from £75.00

Prevents and treats signs of ageing and rejuvenating. Deeply hydrating, bringing out natural glow. It provides the skin with a special cocktail of nutrients. Such as, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Involves injecting to infiltrate small amounts of matabulites immediately beneath the skins surface to breakdown the cellulite and fat and to improve circulation. Promoting the production of collagen, strengthening elastic fibres and stimulating metabolism.

mesotherapy is a non invasive procedure and therefore does not have the risk and downtime associated to surgery.

  • relatively painless procedure
  • tiny amounts used just under the skin ( less than 4mm deep )
  • safe, natural alternative to invading cosmetic procedures
  • ideal for dry , dehydrated and dull skin or can be used as a simple treatment boost
  • treatment can be applied to the whole face, neck, chest and hands
  • Treatment can tone and tighten sagging skin
  • reduce fine line wrinkles and repair free radical damage
  • Works excellent in conjunction with chemical skin peels
  • can be a stand alone treatment however a course of treatment for best results recommended

Prescription Strength Skin Peels

Duration varies – from £60.00 – £100.00

Chemical skin peels improve the appearance of the skin. A chemical solution is applied to the skin leading to exfoliation and peeling. The new layer of rejuvenated skin is normally healthier looking with a smoother appearance.

Three types of peels

  • superficial – penetrates the other most superficial layer, refreshes skin appearance.
  • medium – applied to penetrate the outer and middle layers of the epidermis / dermis. This improves age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, freckles and moderate skin pigmentation
  • deep – applied to deeply penetrate the middle layer of the skin. This removes moderate lines, age spots, freckles and shallow.

Epiderma 5 Suitable for acne, skin pigmentation, skin toning and reducing fine lines and wrinkles Gylcolic skin peel at 40 % AHA and prescription strength 70 % AHA

Chemical peel ranges used 

  • epiderma 5 range for all Fitzpatrick skin types
  • Neostrata range for Fitzpatrick skin types 1-3 can be combined with oxygen therapy recovery treatment –  price from £90.00
  • Retinol peel is also available for deeply pigmented and sun damaged skin this peel will require a pre peel treatment of retinol prescribed products for 2 weeks prior to peel. This is a one off peel treatment. Prices from £100.00 pre product package included.
  • Bio Re C13 safe on all Fitzpatrick skin types no down time and a comfortable peel.
  • Perfect Peel – medical grade only peel – prescription only from £300.00


Micro-needling  (collagen-induction therapy) is a nonsurgical treatment that pricks your skin with tiny needles to improve its appearance. The procedure can help smooth lines and wrinkles, even skin tone (including stubborn melasma), refine enlarged pores, tighten skin, and fade scars and stretch marks. Very effective treatment following chemical skin peels for acne and pitted scarring of the skin.

A technique that is used to generate new collagen and tissue formation for a smoother, more toned skin on the face.

Prices from £65.00 a session

skin tag removal 

Small non cancerous growths that appear in various colours shapes and sizes spotted in areas where skin folds or creases which cause friction such as around the eye lids, neck, underarms, chest and groin.

These tend to resemble clusters of tiny skin tissue extending out from a tiny stem which is how they are differentiated from moles.

Duration Varies – price from £80.00 including consultation

removal by cautery / short wave diathermy of benign lesions that are too large for cryotherapy – price given on initial consultation and dependent on lesion size and required procedure

Other benign cosmetic skin lesions that can be treated are cherry angiomas , dermatosis papulosa nigra, seborrhoeic keratosis, syringoma.

Thread vein treatment (legs and facial)  

Duration varies – from £90.00 per treatment

A cosmetic microsclerotherapy treatment for unsightly capillaries normally found on the legs. A gold standard treatment for legs rather than laser which is gold standard for facial tangelesia.

It involves fine injections into the veins for a sclerosing fluid. The solution causes the lining of the vein to swell and become sticky, blocking the blood flow to the area.

  • minimal discomfort – can resume normal activities
  • compression stockings are worn for 10-14 days to retain pressure on the veins to stop blood re entering the veins to keep them closed.
  • when the stockings are off the area treated may look bruised, the veins may look worse before they get better.
  • success rate is 80% with the veins fading gradually over the 6 months period.
  • Normally three sessions required.

Facial Red Veins (Telangiectasia)

Facial veins are small red, purple dilated blood vessels or broken capillaries, often found on areas of the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. Facial blood vessels my often be caused by over exposure to the skin, the natural aging process, heredity or trauma.

Thermocoagulation treatment is safe and effective for removal of these fine veins.

Treatment is delivered by a fine skin probe causing the vein walls to collapse and seal, the tread veins disappear instantly, it is quick and discomfort is minimal and can take around 30 mins. Many clients one to two treatments are required and will not cause bruising or scaring and is safe for all skin types.

Prices from £70.00


Duration Varies –  from £45.00

Cryotherapy is a treatment that uses extreme cold to painlessly and safely destroy unwanted, Benign and superficial lesions of the surface of the skin, such as warts, skin tags, verrucas, milia, cherry angiomas, scars, and resistant hyper-pigmentation.

This involves the application of nitrous oxide gas ejected under high pressure onto the skin. It reaches -89.c causing destruction of the lesion.

  • more than one treatment often required for larger lesions
  • no anaesthesia required and is virtually painless
  •   one of the most least invasive lesion treatments and can be used on virtually any benign skin lesion

Skin tags, moles, warts, veruccas ( these lesions may require more than one session )


Duration 60 mins – from £50.00 combined treatments from £75.00

Removes surface dead / keratinised skin cells, blackheads, removes vellus hair,  impurities from the outer most layers of the skin and stimulates fresh skin cell development.

Results are immediate.

Removes unwanted facial hair, skin has a nice healthy glow following treatment, leaving the skin to feel incredibly soft and smooth. It is non-traumatic method of skin rejuvenation and can accentuate facial features and make you look slimmer.

This treatment can be used on pregnant women who may be contraindicated in other treatments such as chemical skin peels.

Following treatment make-up glides on effortlessly for a flawless finish and allows topical treatments to be absorbed more readily into the deeper layers of the skin.

Exfoliation treatment of choice for extremely sensitive skin, redness, rosacea, or visible facial veins

Dermaplaning is a safe, effective and painless exfoliation using a sterile scalpel by our licensed and trained medical professional .

This treatment can be a stand alone treatment or combined with a enzyme skin peel, mesotherapy or a hydro jelly face mask to give an addition boost to your skin. A skin consultation is required on additional combined treatments.

Profhilo  (bio-remodelling)

This is a treatment to restore skin laxity to remodel and stimulate your natural collagen and elastin to renew your skin from within. The skin can be visibly improved with two treatments within two sessions a month interval.

This amazing treatment can be used on the full face including eye area, neck area, décolletage , upper arms, abdomen and hands  and is suitable for anyone over 30 years of age with a no upper age limit.

Profhilo treatment helps to improve skin firmness and elasticity, tightens and brightens and lifts the skin, improves skin texture and tone and rehydrates the skin.

Prices from £460.00 for two treatments one month apart

Sosum soft (bio-remodelling)

A non invasive medical treatment of natural regeneration treatment promotes a more youthful look by injecting through a fine needle or by microneedling. The procedure is relatively painless.

A patented formula of hyaluronic acid and amino acids to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin enabling extra cellular matrix regeneration.

This treatment improves firmness and elasticity of the skin, brightness and turgor and decreases fine lines and thin wrinkles.

This treatment can be used as an alternative to anti-wrinkle injections on the face and forehead and around the eyes also on the neck and décolletage.

Prices from £125 a treatment

Fat dissolving injections

Deso body / Deso face 

Adipocytes (fat cells) are safely with using sodium deoxycholate solution.  The solution is slow acting with the gradual treatment requires repeating to achieve the treatment aim.

Deoxycholate causes localised inflammatory response to allow cells to be destroyed and dispersed by the lymphatic system.

This treatment can be used on the chin, abdomen , hips, inner thighs, arms, back rolls, flanks, saddle bags.

It is not suitable for people who are pregnant or have liver disease, fatty liver or renal complications. There is no upper treatment age however under 18’s will not be suitable for treatment.

The treatment following will have minimal redness, bruising and swelling for a few days.

Prices from £125.00 this will vary in cost for treatment areas required and a quote will be given at consultation following assessment.

Additionally cavitation and radio frequency can be an alternative to injections.

Prices from £60 per session minimum of 6 required

Wrinkle relaxing

No under 18’s legally permitted for this treatment

Consultation is initially required legally as this is prescription only treatment.

Prices for 1/2/3 areas on consultation a deposit is required of £50 non-refundable on booking this is deducted off your final payment following treatment.